Embedded Financing

Integrating the financing of assets into Perl Street


Project Operational and Financing Workflow Management

Origination: Use project data for sizing and underwriting of financing facilities, and manage your pipeline with CRM-like capabilities.
Deployment/Construction: Model financing requirements and automate the drawdown of working capital. Manage project construction workflows, including milestones and PO management.
Facility Management: In addition to monitoring operational and financial parameters for covenants, easily do the following:
- Flip assets to permanent financing options
- Leverage rebates and incentive payment tracking and accounting
- Simplify tax equity payment and financing 
Reporting: Configure and manage reporting workflows across all entity levels and project phases with out of the box templates for ARENA, GGRF, S4A and other programs. Generate custom views and permissions for investors, lenders, and others, and configure alerts for operational and financial parameters.

See Perl Street In Action

Ready to see Perl Street in action? Book a live demo and learn how you can make faster, clearer and better financial decisions for your portfolio and assets

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